Over The Edge 2024 was a huge success!

Sign up open for 2025!  Are you "down" for it?  

Registration for 2025 is Open!

We invite you to save the date for August 23rd, 2025. Join us for another unforgettable experience as we continue to make a difference together.


What is Over the Edge

Click here to find out!!

For the past six years, Over The Edge for Kids’ Sake has proven to be a life-changing, once-in-a-lifetime milestone experience for over 500 daring individuals!  Not only have they conquered their fears and hesitations and celebrated their accomplishments with family, friends and co-workers, they have raised over $950,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters one-to-one mentoring program!

Conquering the historic Hotel Blackhawk, an 11 story building located in downtown Davenport. is a memory one doesn't forget!

Registering for this year's event is now open.  The event is scheduled for Saturday, August 24th, 2024 and we hope it's our best one yet, with your help!

We have all the tools to make your experience one to remember.  1) custom fundraising page to use through email, facebook, twitter and other social media tools, 2) great prizes and incentives on your way to achieving and exceeding your personal goal, 3) support from a professional staff and dedicated volunteer pool who will help you every step of the way from registering to landing!  Take the challenge!  Have an adventure!!  Sign up today!!

Rappel Opportunities

Become a Courageous Individual:  Individuals interested in going Over the Edge register and set a minimum goal of raising $1,000.  The registration includes a $100 deposit that is applied to your $1,000 goal minimum.  Registration secures your spot in the lineup and gives you access to the fundraising platform and supports provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters to achieve your fundraising goal.  Supports include: 1) a fundraising tool kit, 2) personal fundraising webpage to share your story and collect donations, 3) two gathering events that will educate and inspire you to exceed your goal, 4) fundraising opportunities in the community to help achieve your goal, such as guest bartending events, and 4) direct access to BBBSMV staff and committee members to assist you in your efforts.

Become a Daring Duo: A daring duo is just that- two people who commit to go over the edge together!!!  We have had mother/daughter, sisters, father/son, husband/wife, childhood friends, college friends, co-workers and many more duo's take and accomplish the 11-story challenge.  Daring Duo's share the fundraising goals and their networks to achieve the goal!  The minimum target goal for a Daring Duo is $1,750, $250 less than if you register as an individual edger!  Not only will you share an incredible experience with someone special, together you will become the dynamic duo to your friends and littles in our program!!  

Become a Fearless Team:  If you know of three or more people interested in going over the edge, or would to create a fun workplace or group experience, the Fearless Team option is for you!!  Our "Fearless Teams" engage area employers, organizations and groups of individuals who want to send multiple individuals "over the edge".  Fearless Leader Teams agree to raise a minimum of $2,500 for the first 3 edgers and $750 for each additional edger!  That's $833 dollars per edger for the first 3, then $750 for each additional edger!   The team sets the strategy for achieving the goal AND selecting the representatives.  BBBSMV provides great resources to help you plan and execute your strategy, including custom fundraising pages, workplace and employee engagement and donation strategies and much more. 

The BBBSMV Over The Edge committee will be working to secure sponsorships and incentive prizes to encourage "Courageous Individuals", "Daring Duos" and "Fearless Teams" to raise as much as possible!

Courageous Individual

Minimum Fundraising Goal: 


Daring Duo

Minimum Fundraising Goal:


Title Sponsors

Host Sponsor

Event Day Sponsor

Rope Sponsor

Edger/Volunteer Appreciation Sponsor

Top Fundraising Perk & Milestone Sponsor

Edger Swag Bag Sponsor

Liquid Courage Sponsor

Media Partners