What is Bowl for Kids' Sake?
Bowl for Kids' Sake is a fundraiser held each November in support of programming in McDonough and Warren counties. 100% of the dollars raised through this event supports the direct programming and impact of children living in these two counties and participating in our program.
The local chapter has impacted over 1,500 children since its inception. Funds are exclusively used for program expenses related to serving children, families, schools and volunteers participating in our program in McDonough and Warren counties. Examples of expenses include recruitment and enrollment expenses of volunteers, match support expenses for adult/child matches, match activities throughout the year, assessments and other measurement tools for the match, and liability and insurance coverage for our program model.
There are a number of ways you can help- 1) form a team, 2) join an existing team, 3) support a bowler, and/or 4) become a Big.
How does the Bowl for Kids Sake work?
1) Form a team: Completing the registration form begins the process. Teams can be comprised of 4 to 6 bowlers. You don't have to have your team compiled before registering. Registering simply confirms your team reservation. We do ask that if you register a team, you agree to a team goal of $300.00 in pledges/donations.
The registration form will ask you to select your "shift time". This is the time your team will be bowling. Lanes are limited for each shift, so it is vital that you get your registration completed and to BBBS as soon as possible.
The $300.00 goal is for your team NOT for each individual bowler. Teams can raise funds however they want to achieve the goal- ask friends and family for donations, get support from your employer or club. Your completed team commitment entitles you to: bowling, shoes, food, prizes and the official BFKS T-Shirt!
2) Take the Challenge: each shift will award a prize to the top team or individual fundraiser. We encourage teams to engage others to participate by issuing a "friendly" challenge. Challenges can be issued to other organizations, schools, departments, and/or friends and family. A traveling trophy can be created and presented at the shift. Full details of the shift prizes will be provided to each team once a completed registration is received.
3) Create and implement your plan: there are a number of strategies to raise funds for the Bowl for Kids' Sake.
- Host a fundraising event at your workplace, club, church, fraternity or sorority. You are representing a larger group, so engage them in your efforts.
- Create donation jars, a bake sale, pot luck, raffle, silent auction, casual for a cause, car wash or something fun that everyone will enjoy.
- Approach a local bar, brewery or restaurant about doing a guest bartending night, drink special, or food special with proceeds going to your team.
4) Turning in pledges/check in: All registered teams are expected to be at their $300 minimum prior to bowling. Team captains are encouraged to collect donations prior to the event and either turn them in at the BBBS office or bring the pledges with them to check-in. We are happy to make arrangements to pick up your pledges as well.
5) Time to have fun!! After you have secured your pledges, it's time to have fun! You'll receive one free game of bowling all inclusive, food, drinks, chances to win door prizes and a souvenir team photo.