Exploration, Resiliency, Potential

About Us

Vision: All youth achieve their full potential

Mission: Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth


For more than 30 years, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is the ability to succeed and thrive in life. As a donor supported volunteer organization, we make meaningful, orchestrated matches between adult volunteers ("Bigs") and children ("Littles"), ages 7 through 18, throughout eastern Iowa and western Illinois. And we have a LOT of fun doing it! 

We develop friendships, experiences and connections that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people. Join in the fun!

Big Brothers Big Sisters Maintains two mentoring centers within our service territory.  

Southern Mentoring Center
Serving McDonough, Warren and Henderson counties
1401 W. University Drive
Macomb, Illinios 61455

Central Mentoring Center
Serving Scott, Rock Island, Henry, Mercer counties
3247 E. 35th Street Court
Davenport, Iowa 52807

How does Big Brothers Big Sisters help Kasaius?


When Big Brothers Big Sisters works to match a Little with a Big, we take into account the needs, personality, interests, and goals of both the child and the adult volunteer. We introduce the Little and his or her family to the Big slowly and make sure everyone is fully committed to the match before it is made official. Little Brother Kasaius is outgoing and up for anything, so he needed a Big who was creative and had a variety of interests.

Relationship Management

Children like Kasaius get the most out of their one-to-one relationship with their Big when the Big, the parent or guardian, and the child talk openly with their Match Support Specialist. Working as part of the team helping the child succeed, the Match Support Specialist can help identify problems, brainstorm solutions, and connect the family with essential services.


When Kasaius’ Big Brother saw the email from BBBS saying that there were spots open in a free acting class, he jumped at the chance to take Kasaius. BBBS affiliates across the country provide activities for Bigs and Littles and also alert Bigs to opportunities in the community. This enables Bigs to get to know other Bigs, who might be experiencing similar things and who might have great suggestions for more new activities.

Screening and Training

Child safety is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ highest priority. To achieve the highest standards possible, we work constantly to review and strengthen our background check systems as new best practices in the industry emerge. We also make sure our Bigs and our staff have the training and resources they need to help Littles on their path to success.

Affiliations and Standards of Excellence

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley (BBBSMV) is an independent affiliate of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA), the oldest and largest youth mentoring organization in the United States.  For over 110 years, BBBSA has implemented, developed, and perfected its unique, evidence-based professionally-supported one-to-one mentoring model across the country.  Big Brothers Big Sisters of America provides BBBSMV with:

  • • National standards, policies, and procedures focused on child safety
    • Research and program development supported by the nation’s leading youth mentoring experts
    • Evaluation systems and technology
    Training for staff, board, volunteers, parents/guardians, and youth
    Coordination of national partnerships and initiatives
    • Nationwide best practices shared by over 300 affiliates across the country
    • Branding and collaborative support to drive capacity and resources.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBBSA) is a national network of over 300 independent affiliates throughout the United States and abroad.  Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley (BBBSMV) has consistently performed in the top 20% of affiliates for 20 consecutive years.  The designations have changed over the years, with the highest designation now named the Platinum Award.  This award was previously called the Gold Standard Award.  BBBSMV has received the networks highest award 6 years and second highest award 14 years.  Performance designations take into consideration an organizations youth impact, match retention rates, high quality case management, safety, new program initiatives and financial stability.



GuideStar and Charity Navigator are integrity and information service organizations specializing in reporting on U.S. nonprofit companies. 
Both organizations monitor and rate over 2.5 million organizations in the US.  BBBSMV prides itself on our transparency and adherence to the highest standards of accounting, financial reporting, and fiscal discipline.  BBBSMV is proud to report that we have achieved the highest rating from each of these oversight organizations!  To view our GuideStar rating and disclosures, visit www.Guidestar.org or.
To view our Charity Navigator rating and disclosures, visit www.charitynavigator.org. 

Mentor-  The National Mentoring Partnership (MENTOR) is the unifying champion for expanding quality youth mentoring relationships in the United State.  For more than 25 years, MENTOR has served the mentoring field by providing a public voice; developing and delivering resources to mentoring programs nationwide; and promoting quality for mentoring through evidence-based standards, innovative research and essential tools.  MENTOR has developed and supports a national collective of affiliates that provide regional, state and local leadership and infrastructure necessary to support the expansion of quality mentoring relationships. Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley is a partner with MENTOR at the federal level and both the Iowa and Illinois Mentoring Partnerships at the state level.


BBBSMV prides itself on being accountable to our community, participants and investors.  Part of that transparency is providing financial information on our performance, sources of revenue, expense allocation and other important disclosures.  One important requirement is for the organization to contract with an independent accounting firm to conduct an audit of our financial position and accounting practices.  An independent audit is a requirement to remain in compliance with federal, state and local accounting practices.  Audits are also important in disclosing revenue and expense sources within the organization.  Finally, audits are used by the board and management to improve accounting and cash management practices to eliminate fraud, abuse or unlawful practices.  In addition to an independent audit, the organizations 990 annual tax return is also completed by the independent contractor.  Below are links to our most recent audit and 990 filing.  Please don't hesitate to contact Amy Barth, Chief Operating Officer abarth@bbbs-mv.org for additional information on these filings.  

